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TeeCreateMetafile and TCreateBitmap not working properly

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 6:00 pm
by 9339645
CopyRect works fine if you the Rect you want to copy starts at (0,0). However, if you want a metafile offset a bit, it doesn't give you the proper results.
The metafile it gives you is the proper size and from the proper location of the chart, but you will not get the entire thing drawn if any. It only draws the chart starting at (0,0) to the width and height of the rect you asked for.


rect := Rect(50, 50, 150, 150); //image is 100x100
retMeta := tttGraphic.TeeCreateMetafile(True, rect);

The metafile you get back only has the top/left 1/4 drawn
The same thing happens for TeeCreateBitmap

Is there a solution to this? It is a must for my project.