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Error when calling method Styles.Series.Delete(Int32 index)

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 9:50 am
by 8124565
Hi everybody,
I get a
System.NullReferenceException at Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Series.Delete(Int32 index)
nearly every time I call the Delete-Method on a Line.

The error occurs since I use the registered version of TeeChart, v1.1.1544.23908. With the trial version I had before, v1.0.1197.1065, I had no problems.

Can someone tell me if there's a fix for this problem?

I'm using VisualStudio .NET C++.

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 7:41 am
by Chris
Hi --
The error occurs since I use the registered version of TeeChart, v1.1.1544.23908. With the trial version I had before, v1.0.1197.1065, I had no problems.

Can someone tell me if there's a fix for this problem?
I'm using TeeChart v1.1.1544.23908 and CLRv1.1.4322.573 and the following works as expected here:

Code: Select all

private: System::Void Form1_Load(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)

private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)
Could you please send me a code snippet I can run "as-is" to reproduce your problem here?

Many thanks!

Re: error when calling method Styles.Series.Delete(Int 32)

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 8:23 am
by 8124565
Thank you so far! Here is the code where the error occurs:

#pragma once

using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Data;
using namespace System::Drawing;
#using <teechart.dll>

namespace Delete_test
public __gc class COtherLines
this->testLine = new Steema::TeeChart::Styles::Line();
this->timer1 = new System::Windows::Forms::Timer();
this->timer1->Enabled = true;
this->timer1->Interval = 1000;
this->timer1->Tick += new System::EventHandler(this, timer1_Tick);
// Line
private: Steema::TeeChart::Styles::Line * testLine;
// Timer
private: System::Windows::Forms::Timer * timer1;

private: void refresh()
while (this->testLine->Count>10)
//the error always occurs at this line:
System::DateTime now = System::DateTime::Now;
private: System::Void timer1_Tick(System::Object * sender, System::EventArgs * e)

First I included the teechart.dll of the version v1.1.1544.23908 and the error occured after ten seconds. I included the teechart.dll of the version 1.0.1197.1065 next and no error occured. I hope you can help me!

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 2:08 pm
by Chris
Hi --

Using 1.1.1544.23908, the following works fine. Does it work at your end?

Code: Select all

#pragma once
using namespace System; 
using namespace System::ComponentModel; 
using namespace System::Collections; 
using namespace System::Windows::Forms; 
using namespace System::Data; 
using namespace System::Drawing; 

namespace WindowsApplication3
	using namespace System;
	using namespace System::ComponentModel;
	using namespace System::Collections;
	using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
	using namespace System::Data;
	using namespace System::Drawing;

	/// <summary> 
	/// Summary for Form1
	/// WARNING: If you change the name of this class, you will need to change the 
	///          'Resource File Name' property for the managed resource compiler tool 
	///          associated with all .resx files this class depends on.  Otherwise,
	///          the designers will not be able to interact properly with localized
	///          resources associated with this form.
	/// </summary>
	public __gc class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
			this->timer1->Enabled = true; 
			this->timer1->Interval = 100; 

		void Dispose(Boolean disposing)
			if (disposing && components)
	private: Steema::TeeChart::TChart *  tChart1;
	private: Steema::TeeChart::Styles::Line *  line1;
	private: System::Windows::Forms::Button *  button1;
	private: System::Windows::Forms::Timer *  timer1;
	private: System::ComponentModel::IContainer *  components;

		/// <summary>
		/// Required designer variable.
		/// </summary>

		/// <summary>
		/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
		/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
		/// </summary>
		void InitializeComponent(void)
			this->components = new System::ComponentModel::Container();
			this->tChart1 = new Steema::TeeChart::TChart();
			this->line1 = new Steema::TeeChart::Styles::Line();
			this->button1 = new System::Windows::Forms::Button();
			this->timer1 = new System::Windows::Forms::Timer(this->components);
			// tChart1
			// tChart1.Header
			System::String* __mcTemp__1[] = new System::String*[1];
			__mcTemp__1[0] = S"TeeChart";
			this->tChart1->Header->Lines = __mcTemp__1;
			this->tChart1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(32, 24);
			this->tChart1->Name = S"tChart1";
			this->tChart1->TabIndex = 0;
			// line1
			// line1.Brush
			this->line1->Brush->Color = System::Drawing::Color::Red;
			// line1.Pointer
			// line1.Pointer.Brush
			this->line1->Pointer->Brush->Color = System::Drawing::Color::Red;
			this->line1->Pointer->Style = Steema::TeeChart::Styles::PointerStyles::Rectangle;
			this->line1->Title = S"line1";
			// line1.XValues
			this->line1->XValues->Order = Steema::TeeChart::Styles::ValueListOrder::Ascending;
			// button1
			this->button1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(448, 272);
			this->button1->Name = S"button1";
			this->button1->TabIndex = 1;
			this->button1->Text = S"button1";
			this->button1->Click += new System::EventHandler(this, button1_Click);
			// timer1
			this->timer1->Tick += new System::EventHandler(this, timer1_Tick);
			// Form1
			this->AutoScaleBaseSize = System::Drawing::Size(5, 13);
			this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(544, 310);
			this->Name = S"Form1";
			this->Text = S"Form1";
			this->Load += new System::EventHandler(this, Form1_Load);

	private: System::Void Form1_Load(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)

	private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)

	private: System::Void timer1_Tick(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)

   private: void refresh() 
			while (this->line1->Count>10) 
				//the error always occurs at this line: 
				System::DateTime now = System::DateTime::Now; 



Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 2:56 pm
by Marjan

Additionally, it's always good idea to stop the timer while you're adding/deleting series. So, in the Timer OnTick event implementation, do the following:

1) stop the timer,
2) delete series point,
3) restart the timer.

Re: System.NullReferenceException at Steema.TeeChart.Styles.

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 7:01 am
by 8124565
Thank you very much for your advice! Unfortunately both proposals do not help us.

@Marjan: we tried it and it does not make any differences, the error still occurs.

@Christopher Ireland: the code works fine, but our problem is that we do not produce the lines in a ".net Form class" but in an autonomous class.
That means, I have to show the same lines in several charts that are located in different Forms. So I just wanted to have one class that produces all lines, but does not visualize them and to add the lines to the charts in the other classes then. Strange is that it works with the evaluation version (see above) but not with the licensed version. Perhaps you can trie to call the constructor of our class quoted above in another class to reproduce the error. I hope you understand my problem!

Best regards, MMS

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 8:03 am
by Chris
Hi --
@Christopher Ireland: the code works fine, but our problem is that we do not produce the lines in a ".net Form class" but in an autonomous class.
That means, I have to show the same lines in several charts that are located in different Forms. So I just wanted to have one class that produces all lines, but does not visualize them and to add the lines to the charts in the other classes then. Strange is that it works with the evaluation version (see above) but not with the licensed version. Perhaps you can trie to call the constructor of our class quoted above in another class to reproduce the error. I hope you understand my problem!
Well, I think I'd understand it better if you could send me a simple VC++ .NET project that I can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here. If you could, please post the project here:

Many thanks!

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 7:00 am
by 8124565

sorry for the delay. I have posted a simple project.
I hope it helps you finding the error.

Regards, MMS

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 2:11 pm
by Chris
Hi --
sorry for the delay. I have posted a simple project.
I hope it helps you finding the error.
Many thanks for the project. I've found the error and corrected it; the fix will be included into the next maintenance release due out shortly.

If you are a holder of a licence for the TeeChart for .NET source code, I can pass you the fix now.